Saturday, May 30, 2015

Summer Reading

Before you go on summer vacation, check a good book from the library! Make a stack of novels and informational texts to enjoy during  leisure time.

Enjoy your quiet time,  visit with characters, learn something from them and about them.

You can pick up a reading log and track your progress there, join any free online program announced by Scholastic or Barnes & Nobles. Check if your public library offers any program during this summer.  WBAIS will be open on July 10, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. You can change books if you are around.

At WBAIS, we invite you to keep track of titles you will have read and write them down on colorful strips of paper. We'll make a Summer Reading Chain when come back from our summer break in August.
Add your name so we can recognize avid readers during Library Read Week in Fall.

Here are several tips to keep yourself reading:
1. Set up 30min-1hour a day for reading
2. Twit 140 characters about what you are reading
3. Post the cover of the book you are reading on Facebook and share your opinion.
4. Recommend a book on library catalog Destiny to your friend.

Check book recommendation on Summer Reading website. 

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