Thursday, October 16, 2014

Interview with Mr. Christopher Panna

1. How would you describe yourself as a reader?
- An omnivore. Articles from The Economist to The Onion, Oatmeal comics, Shakespeare, text messages from my brother... I love the written word in all its forms.

2. What is your favorite genre?
- Poetry. There's nothing like good rhyme and meter. Emily Dickinson makes me swoon.

3. What is the hardest thing for you to do as a reader?
- I spend so much time working for my classes, the soccer team, the Genius Bar, etc. that I don't always find time to read. So I love going on vacation and bringing a book.

4. If you could live in one of the books, what book would it be?
- Aesop's Fables, where everyone gets what they deserve and at the end of the story we're all a bit wiser.

5. What would you recommend to our readers?
- World War Z. It's nothing like the silly movie. The history and culture of each country is so well considered, you read the book and think: "This really IS how the zombie apocalypse would happen."

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