Thursday, March 19, 2015

Graphic Organizer Foldable

Literacy Network and Project ReimaginED (ISTE) highlights a 3-D graphic organizer Foldables. 

Foldables are used in classrooms to organize information in all subjects.

Creating visuals and presenting information through making 3-D paper models help students not only to retain data and practice writing skills but also to express themselves in a creative way.

Even though these visual displays are hand made, they can also enhance digital skills.
When students decorate their foldables with images taken from the Internet, teachers explain them how to choose Google Search Tools - Usage Rights: noncommercial reuse. Students also practice to provide credits to image creators.

Foldables can be organized by topics, digitized and stored for future references and student digital portfolios.

Visit a Foldable pile in Pinterest that is yet another excellent way to manage information.

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