Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Interveiw with Mrs. Diane Vahab.

Interview with Mrs. Diane Vahab 

1. How would you describe yourself as a reader?

- I am an avid reader, touching anything that is readable. My family laughs at me because I love to even read signs! I have huge piles of books stacked on my night table because depending on my mood, I chose a title. I need to read in order to fall asleep. I also have a kindle, an Ipad and my mobile phone to read from or with.

2. What is your favorite genre?

My favorite genre is historical fiction. I also love memoirs, biographies and diaries. Next would be poetry.

3. What is the hardest thing for you to do as a reader?

- To go into a bookstore and come out empty handed.

4. If you could live in one of the books what book would it be?

- I can not think of which book I would live in, so many worlds to choose from... There are many worlds to live in.

5. What can you recommend to our readers?

- If I could recommend anything about reading, it would be to just do it! The more you read, the more you want to read. Explore all genres, read online and in good old fashioned paper books.

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