Sunday, April 11, 2010

April - Poetry Month

To celebrate poetry this month, we will read a poem every day and save them in a poem pocket at the circulation desk to draw one on the last, Poem in Your Pocket Day, April 29.

There are a great number of beautiful poems! The book of Psalms and the Song of Songs are not forgotten. Everyone chooses a poem to start their day off and experience the might of poetry, this powerful way to awake the world and color it with words!

(for Irwin) by Douglas Worth

for this meadow
to pierce us
with such a rush of green

for this faint trickle
of life at summer snowline
to remind us how precariously
crawling we are
on the thin crust of the Earth

for these woods
cool and fragrant, still
with the hush of arrival
to refresh us so, offering
streams for our kneeling, berries
more precious than jewels

for these butterflies
busy with sweetness
resting a moment
unafraid, on our hands
to seem such an honor

for us to want so urgently
to fit in
taking our place in the landscape
as creatures among creatures
turning, not back, but at last,
humbly, in praise
to the clear grace of water
the common gift of light
(from Catch the Light, Selected Poems, recommended by Brenda Power/Choice Literacy)

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