Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Literacy in a digital world

An article about 21 century literacy in digital age was published in ReadWriteThink blog. Traci Gardner highlights that literacy skills nowadays are more complicated than just changing formats of texts, from print one to electronic. She write that "it’s not about reading that dog-eared copy of Jane Eyre on some electronic gadget. It’s about a completely re-thought notion of what we read and how we read". Our students read a variety of texts, often not recognizing that some of the documents they read, view or listen are texts. When creating lists of significant texts students use they realize what literacies they need to accquire. Multimedia literacy, once being not necessary to be introduced, now became an essential part of education. Read more about defining reading in digital age on the ReadWriteThink (NCTE) web page.

1 comment:

tengrrl said...

Thanks for reading my post! We read so much these days -- and EVERYWHERE. Tickers on the TV screen, cell phones, iPods, computers. But for so many people reading = a book. I even have had arguments about audiobooks with people who claim that's not really reading. Sigh. I've never understood why it's accepted as reading when some family member sits down and reads you a book, but if Jim Dale reads you Harry Potter it's something else. Thanks again for reading what I have to say!